Our team, gathered around a single vision, shares a commitment to a value system that is equal for all.
n.Consulting d.o.o. Sarajevo je društvo osnovano 2014. godine. Kao relativno mlado društvo, uspjeli smo steći povjerenje velikog broja klijenata zahvaljujući iskustvu koje su naši uposlenici godinama sticali na lokalnim i međunarodnim tržištima kroz razne projekte i angažmane, kontinuirani fokus i prilagođavanje potrebama klijenata, kao i neprestalni razvoj kvalitetnih usluga osiguralo nam je respektabilnu poziciju na lokalnom tržištu, kao pouzdanog i predanog poslovnog partnera u pružanju kvalitete naših usluga.
Naša tržišna prednost u odnosu na lokalna društva jeste pružanje sveobuhvatne usluge koje uključuju sva glavna područja kojima se bavi naše društvo:
· revizorske usluge – usluge revizije finansijskih izvještaja i revizije informacionih sistema,
· usluge računovodstva,
· usluge porezno-pravnih pitanja,
· due diligence,
· konsaltinga i finansijskog savjetovanja,
· usluge izrade dokumentacije o transfernim cijenama i
· usluge internih kontrola.
Trenutno smo angažovani na raznim poljima za obavljanje profesionalni usluga.
Our mission has remained consistent since our founding in 2014: with the help of a team of young, responsible and educated professionals to provide the client with a superior service that will meet all their expectations.
Our vision
The company’s vision is to provide customers with a high quality service through a modern, flexible and professional approach. Our goal is through continuous development and progress, respecting fundamental moral values, to position ourselves as an innovative, quality and efficient society.
We direct practical and modern business knowledge and experience in improving the value for our clients. Our team, gathered around a single vision, shares a commitment to a value system that is equal for all
Our mission has remained consistent since our founding in 2014: with the help of a team of young, responsible and educated professionals to provide the client with a superior service that will meet all their expectations.
Our vision
The company’s vision is to provide customers with a high quality service through a modern, flexible and professional approach. Our goal is through continuous development and progress, respecting fundamental moral values, to position ourselves as an innovative, quality and efficient society.
We direct practical and modern business knowledge and experience in improving the value for our clients. Our team, gathered around a single vision, shares a commitment to a value system that is equal for all
We direct practical and modern business knowledge and experience in improving the value for our clients. Our team, gathered around a single vision, shares a commitment to a value system that is equal for all
We direct practical and modern business knowledge and experience in improving the value for our clients. Our team, gathered around a single vision, shares a commitment to a value system that is equal for all
We direct practical and modern business knowledge and experience in improving the value for our clients. Our team, gathered around a single vision, shares a commitment to a value system that is equal for all
We direct practical and modern business knowledge and experience in improving the value for our clients. Our team, gathered around a single vision, shares a commitment to a value system that is equal for all
We direct practical and modern business knowledge and experience in improving the value for our clients. Our team, gathered around a single vision, shares a commitment to a value system that is equal for all
We direct practical and modern business knowledge and experience in improving the value for our clients. Our team, gathered around a single vision, shares a commitment to a value system that is equal for all
71000 Sarajevo, BiH